EN EN Chek TR TR Chek

Placement of equipment in the data center

Renting racks in a data center (colocation) is the placement of own equipment (server and network equipment, data storage) in a data center on a site specially equipped for this, with temperature control. The service is relevant for companies for which high fault tolerance and security are critical.

Placement of equipment in the data center

Benefits of renting racks in the data center

Budget Savings

Budget Savings

Renting is more profitable than equipping your own server room.



Modern data centers have video surveillance, fire extinguishing, and cooling systems.

Round-the-clock support

Round-the-clock support

Monitoring on a 24/7 basis and SLA quality assurance.

Customization for the needs

Customization for the needs

Choice of configuration, manufacturer of equipment and software.



The colocation service helps to connect the service to the resources of the data center in the shortest possible time.



Protection against power outages, high speed internet, the right climate conditions for comfortable work.

Server rack rental service includes:

  • placement of a certain number of racks in the data center;
  • organization of remote access to equipment;
  • creation and maintenance of the necessary climate regime;
  • equipment service;
  • connecting to a communication channel, issuing an IP address;
  • round-the-clock monitoring;
  • free transportation of equipment to our data centers around the clock;
  • round-the-clock consultations;
  • security;
  • free storage of spare parts, tools and accessories;
  • power supply.
  • two independent power lines per rack, 5.5 kW or more each;

  • diesel generator set;
  • automatic input of a reserve for switching between inputs and DGS;
  • single ground loop;
  • cabinet precision air conditioners;
  • biometric access control system;
  • three levels of access;
  • high cooling efficiency;
  • fire extinguishing system;
  • integrated monitoring system;
  • Meet-Me-Room, a separate room for a passive optical distribution box;
  • 2 independent fiber optic inputs;
  • network neutrality, communication channels from any operator.

We provide technical support around the clock, also provide equipment for replacement during repair or purchase of a new one.

The cost of renting server racks

It is possible to provide direct optical fibers from anywhere in the city, as well as dedicated channels.

  • The cost of renting one unit is from 100 usd/month (up to 400 W power, 100 Mbps communication channel, 1 IP address).
  • The cost of a 5-kilowatt 42-inch rack is from 1 200 usd/month.

Additional paid services: protection against DDoS attacks, access to the Internet at high speed, increase in dedicated power supply.

The cost of renting server racks
Get a commercial offer for relocation of your equipment to our data center

Get a commercial offer for relocation of your equipment to our data center

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What determines the price of hosting servers?

The cost of hosting Colocation servers depends on the following options:

  • data center reliability level*;
  • power consumption**;
  • the number of units;
  • communication channel widths;
  • the number of IP addresses;
  • availability of protection against DDoS attacks.

Additional services:

  • equipment installations,
  • providing access to equipment,
  • remote maintenance.

*If there are no increased requirements for fault tolerance, the optimal category TIER-II, if it is necessary to ensure continuous operation, it is necessary to place the equipment in a data center of the categoryTIER-III;

**Additional power may be provided as a separate package.

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Kehua Tech

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