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Server solutions - what services are included?

Our company has the necessary experience and competencies in the following areas:
Conducting surveys and audits

Conducting surveys and audits

development of recommendations for the IT infrastructure modernization

Building server infrastructure

Building server infrastructure

from scratch or upgrading an existing one

Online monitoring of IT infrastructure

Online monitoring of IT infrastructure

Implementation from scratch or refinement of the existing one



Building virtualization systems, transition between platforms

Cluster systems

Cluster systems

Fault-tolerant, high-performance and geographically distributed

Service migration, network separation

Service migration, network separation

from foreign data centers to the customer's infrastructure or to local data centers

Storage systems

Storage systems

delivery, commissioning, configuration



Ensure a high recovery speed and minimize the risks associated with employee errors or software failures.

Setting up server roles

Setting up server roles

Configure any server roles according to your tasks

Servers provision

DNS server

DNS server

The Automated Domain Name System (DNS) contains data about all users. It facilitates the search, it is enough to remember the domain name to get to the needed resource. The DNS server stores the IP addresses of sites and issues them on request.

DHCP server

DHCP server

Using DHCP allows automatically and centrally change the IP addresses of remote computers or computers that appear on the network. IP addresses are dynamic, addresses that have fallen into disuse are automatically returned for redistribution.

WEB server

WEB server

Used for storing and processing of information, it ensures the smooth operation of the site. Additional features - receiving and sending requests, compiling web pages, protecting information, identifying clients, accounting for their activity.

VPN server

VPN server

Used to host and provide services to users anywhere in the world. The server provides an encrypted connection between two networks or clients and a network. The program guarantees the protection of the connection from unauthorized persons, remote servers mask the IP address.

Terminal server

Terminal server

Powerful hardware that can run applications for client devices. The server supports a system of remote workstations, it is easy to modify it when tasks change. The terminal server is connected via a local or global network to clients or to low power workstations.

File server

File server

Used to store, download, modify or delete files. Thanks to this, users have the opportunity not to store files on their devices and save space on drives. The file server allows creating separate storage groups and facilitates information security.

Domain controller server

Domain controller server

The server provides access to network resources within the same domain. It performs user authentication and provides centralized control of access to network resources. The domain controller contains directory services, lists of users, identities and passwords.

Building infrastructure platforms

Virtualization server

Virtualization server

Help to share the hardware resources of one server between a large number of virtual VPS servers that use different operating systems in their work.

HPC server

HPC server

Used for quickly processing huge amounts of data and complex tasks. The principles of parallel and multi-threaded processing are used there.

Server for software-defined storage systems

Server for software-defined storage systems

Software designed to create an automated system that is not tied to specific equipment.

High Performance Cluster Solution

High Performance Cluster Solution

Systems of computing nodes united by a high-speed communication environment. Calculations run in parallel on the cluster nodes, which can significantly improve performance.

Apps servers

Database server (SQL)

Database server (SQL)

A database management system that uses the SQL programming language in its work. The main advantages are quick access to data, reliable DBMS architecture, ease in operation and administration, and information protection. SQL server is designed to solve various business problems.

Mail server

Mail server

One of the main channels of communication is e-mail, the mail server ensures uninterrupted transmission of e-mails. The information storage system is clearly organized and thought out, data transfer takes a fraction of a second. Communication for personal purposes, mass mailing of messages is possible.

CRM server

CRM server

Designed for customer relationship management and business process optimization. Special software collects data about each client, determines his interests, makes a relevant offer at every stage. Using the system can help to maintain and increase the customer base.

1C server

1C server

It manages the DBMS and is used in the operation of the 1C database. The main function of the server is to store the database and manage 1C performance. 1C server usage increases the speed of data processing, ensures the reliability and security of processes, and protection in case of network failures. Wide functionality allows to organize a virtual service for telephony, mail.

Server for SAP HANA

Server for SAP HANA

Used to store and process data in RAM. It can be deployed locally or in the cloud. The platform is optimal for performing analytics, developing and deploying applications in real time. SAP HANA provides high data processing speed, works with huge arrays and has text mining capabilities.

Ready-made solutions

Small office server

Small office server

It provides uninterrupted office work, data storage, and tools for organizing routine tasks. Access is provided over the network. Suitable for small business.

Video Surveillance Server

Video Surveillance Server

It is used for monitoring premises and territories, protecting objects. It processes information from cameras, transmits and archives data.

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Securely protect and store your data

In order to solve your problems, we adhere to certain stages of work:


You leave a request and we begin to prepare a quotation.



Drawing up a work plan, recommendations, as well as signing the contract.


Execution of works

Work on support and configuration of the system begins.


Completion of works

Coordination of final recommendations, optimization of your IT infrastructure.

Securely protect and store your data

Ensuring information security is vital for a large company, the transfer of this function to outsourcing provides reliable protection. The outsourcing company will audit the IT infrastructure, offer recommendations on information security, select security software according to criteria previously set by the customer.

Benefits of renting a server:

  • Savings on buying your own equipment.
  • Large range of dedicated servers for different tasks.
  • Possibility of ordering a server with individual configuration.

We’ve been selecting equipment for the users requirements for more than 10 years, which allows us to find the best option in terms of price-quality ratio.

Our partners

Kehua Tech

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