EN EN Chek TR TR Chek

IT Outstaffing

means a remote hiring model in which IT specialists are provided to the client as a labor resource by a third-party contractor. It means that the needed employee is not being sought in the labor market, but is being hired under the implementation of certain tasks from the company in which he continues to be employed.

IT Outstaffing

Advantages of outstaffing in the IT sphere

Cost reduction

Cost reduction

This format of "hiring" employees implies payment exclusively for the work done. Its scope is regulated by the contract that will be signed at the beginning of cooperation.



Outstaffing by default means attracting a highly qualified specialist to perform specific tasks.

Quick search

Quick search

The employer does not need to spend time and money on looking for a qualified specialist – this will be done by the service provider.



IT outstaffing means the constant presence of a third-party specialist at the workplace in the company. So, the time for solving problems will be reduced.

IT outstaffing price list

For an individual offer, please, contact the operator by phone or via the feedback form.
Specialist of the 1st line

Specialist of the 1st line

  1. Administration of the company's network;
  2. Computer and office equipment maintenance;
  3. Administration of Windows servers;
  4. Providing antivirus protection.
Specialist of the 2nd line

Specialist of the 2nd line

"Technical support"
  1. Installation, configuration and administration of system and network software;
  2. Maintenance of server and network equipment;
  3. Ensuring the integrity of information backup;
  4. Implementation of information security policy;
  5. Implementation of the policy of access differentiation to network resources
Specialist of the 3rd line

Specialist of the 3rd line

"System Architect"
  1. Organization of ensuring the smooth functioning of the computer network;
  2. Monitoring of the parameters state of software and hardware;
  3. Determination of regulations for modernization, modification of software and hardware;
  4. Participation in the development and implementation of the company's development strategy in the field of information technology.

Switching to IT outstaffing

IT outstaffing helps to accurately select the right developer for the customer's project. Outstaff work scheme:


The stage of studying your task and skill requirements.


Appointment of a responsible specialist from the company

We select people from the team who fit your criteria, collect their resumes. We will conclude an agreement where the cost of the service is prescribed for the period of time you set.


Problem solving

We will solve the problem remotely, or by going to the office.


Completion of cooperation

After completing the project, the specialist returns to our team. You do not need to carry out any procedures for dismissal.

Switching to IT outstaffing

When IT outstaffing is needed?

Outstaffing services of IT specialists can be used by companies operating in different fields. Its main advantage is that such an employee does not need to be placed in the state, and the company does not need to organize the deduction of appropriate tax contributions. At the same time, a full-time specialist who is temporarily unable to perform duties remains placed in the company’s staff and does not lose his job.

There are several situations when outsourcing of IT personnel may be required:

  • while a full-time employee is absent from work due to sick leave, vacation or business trip;
  • there are no employees with suitable qualifications in the staff;
  • restrictions on the number of personnel do not allow to expand the staff;
  • conducting commercial activities outside the country;
  • the company’s capabilities are not enough to implement a specific project.

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