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Analysis of Wi-Fi network congestion

The Wi-Fi network radio inspection procedure is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of all equipment during operation, as well as to identify «bottlenecks» that prevent the normal operation of the network. Such an examination allows to determine the quality of the signal propagation through the room, the places of its attenuation in the walls and partitions. The procedure is also called Wi-Fi network radio intelligence.

DIT company offers a range of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of wireless networks.

Analysis of Wi-Fi network congestion

Advantages of the Wi-Fi radio survey by DIT

Turnkey work

Turnkey work

We will provide a full range of works: design, purchase of equipment, installation and commissioning.

Infrastructure audit

Infrastructure audit

Help to identify the problems of the existing infrastructure.



We work directly with manufacturers, therefore the costs of equipment and software are reduced.



We will save you from the worries of operating a wireless network.

What is included in the turnkey Wi-Fi network radio survey service

DIT specialists will establish a wireless connection for any request. Stages of work:


Departure of specialists to the facility for visual inspection and approval of equipment installation sites, as well as obtaining technical specifications.


Supply of equipment

Selection of equipment and related materials. Delivery to the facility. Quality control.


Installation and setup

Assembly and installation. Commissioning works. Putting into operation.


Technical maintenance

Maintenance of the system during the entire life of its operation.

WI-FI radio survey provides the possibility of:

  • determining the configuration of the future network with simultaneous placement of the required total number of access points, a type of router capable of guaranteeing high-quality coverage of the area of interest;
  • identification of numerous interferences existing in the area of interest;
  • development of an integration plan or adjustment of the existing network with the simultaneous formation of the specification of the required material and equipment.


Radio survey features

  1. Inspection of premises to identify potential obstacles that impair the passage of radio signals (partitions, metal cabinets and much more);
  2. Determining the location of users. On the floor plans, notes are made indicating the places where people working via wireless Internet will mainly be located;
  3. Selection and preparation of equipment that will provide high-speed Internet access to the right number of users;
  4. Identification of the most suitable places for the installation of equipment. Based on the features of the room, the location of furniture and other items that impair the signal transmission, it is determined where access points and routers should be installed;
  5. Checking the characteristics of the system by conducting a series of tests. Identified problem areas will be eliminated by using additional equipment. All test results will be documented, recommendations on the choice of equipment are included in the report.

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