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Access control and management system

Security is one of the priority areas of automation of commercial and home facilities. In this regard, access control and management systems (ACS) of various levels and functionality are actively developing.

The access control and management system is a set of technical and software tools that provide management and control of the movement of vehicles and people to the protected area through gates, doors and checkpoints.

Access control and management system

Types of ACS

Depending on the type of access provided and the method of data transmission , the following types of ACS are distinguished:
Autonomous systems

Autonomous systems

They provide security in small shops or offices. The entrance door has an electronic lock or latch, identification is performed by a card with a reader.

Network ACS

Network ACS

They are used on large objects with high traffic. Access points are entrance doors, checkpoints, gates, turnstiles, gateways.



The most reliable control systems. They are connected to the server via communication channels, management is carried out via the Internet. Designed to ensure the control of a large enterprise.

ACS functions

One of the main tasks of the ACS is to identify the user to grant or restrict access. The system controls the issuance of permanent or one-time passes to employees and visitors, sorts and stores information.

The system includes special sensors – readers. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into code readers and biometric data scanners.

Depending on scalability and functionality, there are several categories of control systems. The cost and complexity of the design depends on the requirements for security.

ACS provides:

  • disarming or arming;
  • differentiation of access;
  • protection against unauthorized access;
  • control of equipment operation in online mode;
  • registration of the date and time of exit and departure of employees;
  • identification of personnel;
  • responding to emergency situations.

Our projects: access control system (ACS)

Installation of ACS

Installation of an access control system and management system

In the office being renovated, it was necessary to install two access points of the Perco ACS on the exit doors to calculate the working hours of employees. The customer asked to install access card readers at the entrance and exit of each of the doors. We installed contactless card readers, door unlock buttons and electromagnetic door locks on the doors that were purchased by the customer. The controller that manages the ACS system and the power supply unit were installed in the customer's server room. And also the whole system was configured according to the requirements of the customer. We completed all works in 2 working days.
Installation of ACS

Installation of turnstiles and ACS software at the school

Our company quickly and efficiently carried out interfaces and installed three turnstiles at the entrance of school No. 10, a metal fence was installed to delimit the passage between the turnstiles. For the convenience of school security, the turnstiles were equipped with joysticks for manual control of the passage through the turnstile. The customer was satisfied with the work performed.
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Advantages of cooperation with professionals



It is an economic benefit, reducing the cost of IT infrastructure.



SLA registration, financial responsibility for compliance with the terms of the contract.

Round-the-clock support

Round-the-clock support

prompt troubleshooting and a wide geography of service.

Replacement equipment

Replacement equipment

provision of replacement equipment for the period of repair or purchase of new equipment.

Design and installation

Specialized companies provide a full range of services from design to installation.


Specialists will draw up a competent technical task, take into account the wishes of the customer, the conditions of the object, and develop project documentation.


Works on the project

Installation of the system. The number and type of basic elements depend on the purpose of use. Installation of distribution networks, wiring (usually hidden).



Software installation, testing of ACS operation.

Specialized companies carry out the design and installation of access control systems of all types. Experienced specialists take into account the features of the object and the requirements of the customer.

Who needs ACS

Protected areas may include server rooms and storage rooms for material valuables and documents.

The system is necessary for:

  • government agencies and departments;
  • airports, railway stations, seaports;
  • medical institutions;
  • shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants;
  • business centers, offices, credit and financial organizations;
  • universities, schools, preschool institutions;
  • industrial enterprises, warehouses;
  • toll highways and parking lots.

The cost of design and installation depends on the type, number of elements, access points, equipment manufacturer. Installation of ACS will provide a secure access mode at the enterprise or in the office.

System device

System device
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