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Video surveillance system

Modern video surveillance systems make it possible to ensure the security of property, individual safety of people. The complex of security devices carries out constant monitoring of the protected area. Cameras monitor entrances and entrances to a room or territory, monitor the activities of employees in a production or office space.

Video surveillance system

Capabilities of modern video surveillance systems

Control of the territory in online mode

Control of the territory in online mode

To view the recording from the cameras, just log in to the application.

Access from anywhere in the world

Access from anywhere in the world

CCTV footage is available from anywhere in the world 24 hours a day.

Face and license plates recognition

Face and license plates recognition

Recognition of faces and license plates, all passing vehicles.

Notification of emergency situations

Notification of emergency situations

Data on the condition of the object is transmitted to the central security point and to the responsible person.

Motion sensors

Motion sensors

The capture zone of a moving object is configured in the camera itself, or through the DVR and the corresponding software.

Archive of records

Archive of records

Data is being written to the archive for storing and analyzing information.

What is included in the installation of video surveillance systems?

DIT specialists will install video surveillance for any client request. The turnkey service includes:

Design of the system

design taking into account the image quality, location of cameras, laying of cable routes.


Selection of equipment

selection of equipment that meets all the characteristics of the project requirements.


Installation and configuration of the system

installation of SCS, installation and adjustment of video cameras in all rooms to ensure an optimal viewing angle.



maintenance of cameras without involving the organization’s personnel.

Stages of work:

  1. Preparation of technical specifications. It will define a list of equipment – a set of cameras, a recorder with a built-in recording device, a power supply, a video surveillance cable, a monitor, consumables for mounting the system.
  2. Next, the conditions of the facility are evaluated, the cost of equipment and installation is calculated, and the customer’s requirements are analyzed. The number of cameras and their locations should provide the maximum level of protection.
  3. The audit of the facility consists of the inspection of the space, assessment of climatic conditions, the existing local network, installation points of equipment. The specialist determines the viewing angle, the focal length of the cameras.
  4. The zoning of the space allows to identify the territories that need to be controlled.
  5. Selection and purchase of equipment.
  6. Mounting – laying of wires, installation of system elements.
  7. Software configuration.
  8. Testing.

The video surveillance system needs regular maintenance – visual inspection, operability check, if necessary – adjustment, repair.

Our projects: Video surveillance

Installation of video surveillance

Installation of surveillance cameras with temperature sensors for the school

Installation of a video analytical system for determining the temperature of visitors. We installed a video camera with a sensor for measuring the temperature of the object in the lobby of the main building of the school. The DVR was installed and configured, the monitor was connected to the DVR. A hidden laying of the “twisted pair” wire from the DVR to the video camera was made. The work was completed in one day. The installed video system made it possible to quickly determine the temperature of all people entering the building, thereby reducing the likelihood of the spread of coronavirus infection on the school grounds.
Installation of video surveillance

Installation of video surveillance system

Without stopping the production facilities of the enterprise, it was necessary to install an IP video surveillance system, install a floor cross-connect cabinet and bring all the wires from the video cameras into it, install a video recorder in the cabinet. To connect the video surveillance system, it was needed to insert an optical wire into the crossover cabinet and weld it in the optobox. 8 video cameras were installed and were wall-mounted and on a bracket. A cross-connect cabinet with an optical unit and a video recorder was mounted. Twisted pair wires were laid from the cross cabinet to video cameras, an optical cable was laid from the customer's node to the optobox in the cross-connect cabinet. Most of the work on laying wires and installing video cameras was carried out at a height of more than 4 meters, and therefore a multi-section construction tour was used for these works. The work was completed within 3 working days.
Installation of video surveillance

Installation of video surveillance for construction sites

The task was to install a mobile video surveillance system on the customer's territory to monitor construction sites. A qualified team of engineers in a short time installed and set up a mobile video surveillance system on high-rise structures of the customer. A special sealed cabinet with equipment for connecting a router with a mobile Internet SIM card and one or two video cameras was installed on each of the high-rise structures. Video cameras were mounted in two types: simple cylindrical and rotary. The video signal receiver was a video recorder with the same router equipped with a SIM card. The whole system works as prescribed according to the terms of reference, the customer was satisfied.
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Installation and mounting of video surveillance by the company DIT

Technological cameras with analytical modules are becoming more and more in demand. Analytics takes time to gather information. The cameras can operate at abnormally high or low temperatures.

Video surveillance equipment must meet strict requirements and ensure reliability.

A basic set for organizing a video surveillance system:


  1. The number of security cameras depends on the size and layout of the room, the requirements of the client. It is necessary to choose the right video cameras with the required viewing angle. There should be windows, doors, places where valuable items are located in the viewing area. They use different types of cameras – digital, analog, IP devices. Information from the cameras is sent to the monitor. Modern IP models transmit images to the screen, encrypt information to ensure secrecy, and compress it for convenient storage.
  2. The DVR records information coming from all video cameras.
  3. The LCD monitor makes it possible to view the image from several cameras at the same time.
  4. It is impossible to install video surveillance systems without laying wires. The kit includes cables – coaxial, combined, twisted pair. They are selected depending on the place of laying, indoors or outdoors.
  5. Fasteners, brackets for installing video cameras and a plastic cable channel.

The outdoor video surveillance system must work in all weather conditions, it is necessary to install a video device in a special housing with heating and illumination. The software enables or disables sound or motion sensors, controls access to individual objects, creates a video archive, and processes information.

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Kehua Tech

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